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Maximizing Your Real Estate Investment with Life Capitalized Solutions and Permanent Life Insurance

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

Our Life Capitalized™ solutions based on the infinite banking system (IBS) is a unique financial strategy that involves using permanent cash value life insurance as a financing tool and savings vehicle. This approach has been gaining popularity among real estate investors and Airbnb rental business owners who want to maximize their tax benefits and build a long-term savings plan.

In this article, we will explain how using our Life Capitalized solutions with permanent cash value life insurance can be a valuable tax-smart asset for people in the real estate investment and Airbnb rental businesses.

What is Infinite Banking System?

Infinite banking system (IBS) is a financial strategy where individuals use permanent life insurance as a financing tool and savings vehicle. With the IBS strategy, the policyholder pays premiums to a dividend paying whole life insurance policy, which can then be used to access tax-free loans. The loans can be paid back into the policy with interest, therefore creating an ecosystem where you can recapture the interest you would typically pay to others. The results of this plan can create a long-term savings tool that can provide a steady source of tax smart income during retirement or emergencies.

Benefits of Using Permanent Cash Value Life Insurance in Real Estate Investment

Real estate investors and Airbnb rental business owners can benefit from using our Life Capitalized solutions and permanent cash value life insurance in several ways. One of the most significant advantages of this approach is the tax benefits. By using a life insurance policy, investors can take advantage of tax-deferred growth and tax-free distributions. Additionally, our strategy allows investors to reduce or avoid paying capital gains taxes, since the gains from well-designed policy are tax deferred and can be accessed income tax free, making it a valuable tool for long-term savings.

Accessing Policy Loans

One of the key features of our strategy is the ability for you to access tax-free policy loans. By taking a policy loan, policyholders can access their cash value without incurring taxes or penalties. The loan can then be paid back into the policy over time, with interest, creating a long-term savings tool that can be used investment purposes or emergencies. Since your loans cannot be denied, this approach can provide investors with more flexibility and financial security than traditional savings plans, especially when affordable credit is unavailable from typical sources.

Leveraging Life Insurance Policies

Another benefit of using permanent cash value life insurance in the real estate investment and Airbnb rental businesses is the ability to use the policy as collateral for a loan. Many lenders are willing to use the policy as collateral, which can provide investors with access to additional funds. This approach can be especially valuable for investors who need to finance a large real estate project or expand their Airbnb rental business without exposing other assets to liens.

Key Person Plan

In addition to providing tax benefits and access to loans, our solutions using the IBS strategy with permanent cash value life insurance can also serve as a key person plan. This approach can provide peace of mind to lenders, who may be more willing to provide financing to a business that has a solid financial strategy in place. By using a life insurance policy as a key person plan, businesses can provide lenders with the assurance that they can repay their loans, even if the key person becomes ill or passes away.


If you're a real estate investor or Airbnb business owner, it's essential to have a solid financial plan in place that will provide for your family's future and help you grow your business. Our Life Capitalized™ solutions using the Infinite Banking System with permanent cash value life insurance offers a tax-smart strategy for building wealth and security. By leveraging the tax benefits and accessing tax-free policy loans, you can finance your business operations and invest in new opportunities. The use of life insurance as collateral can also provide the flexibility to expand your business and gain the confidence of lenders as a key person plan. If you're interested in learning more about how these unique and tax smart solutions with permanent life insurance can benefit you and your business, speak with us, we are also happy to work with your tax advisor to determine the best strategy for your specific needs.


Stay tuned for a follow up to this article coming soon!


The information contained in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or tax advice. It is important to consult with a licensed financial professional or tax advisor to determine whether a life insurance policy and the Infinite Banking System are appropriate for your specific financial situation.

While policy loans can provide tax-free access to cash value in a life insurance policy, it is important to understand that taking out a policy loan may have an impact on the policy itself. Policy loans accrue interest, and if not paid back, can reduce the policy's death benefit and cash value. Additionally, policy loans may affect the policy's ability to pay dividends or be surrendered for cash value.

It is essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of a life insurance policy and understand the effects of a policy loan on the policy itself before taking any action. The potential benefits and drawbacks of the Infinite Banking System and the use of permanent life insurance policies should be considered in light of an individual's unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and overall financial situation.

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